Previous topics
13 October - I'm here next week so we can do a lesson in the holidays. Watch this TED talk by Amy Cuddy about how body language may shape you! Remember to do your homework, keep practicing your English and try to do some written answers to the questions from 6 October.
6 October - let's read this article about the Myers Briggs personality test and talk about how useful these types of test are, both in and out of the workplace.
29 September - a slightly funny article this time, or at least I thought so. Read up about the plans to change an iconic image and how the original designer reacts. Pay attention to the language he uses and consider whether he prepared his comments in advance.
22 September - this week we're going to talk about how to practice effectively. Watch the following TEDEd talk before the lesson.
15 September - we are going to continue with the topic of building rapport. Listen to the episode of 6 minute English again or do some of your own research on this topic.
8 September - let's talk about building rapport. Listen to the episode of 6 minute English before the lesson.
1 September - let's start by talking about the Olympics. Watch this video about high jumper Dick Fosbury who used his engineering know-how to develop a revolutionary and successful approach to the high jump. We'll talk about sport, the Olympics and the benefits of doing things differently.
Monday 5th July - let's talk about small talk, answering emails, dealing with phone calls and similar. Watch this video from the British Council before the lesson - it's at a fairly basic level but should give you some ideas about how you can keep a conversation going. If you want to do some extra homework, I suggest listening again to the 'Why do we Text not Talk' podcast that we did last year as it is also relevant to this week's theme.
Monday 15th June - In this slightly worrying article we learn that many British people don't know the biology of their own bodies. If a person doesn't know the names of the different parts of the body, how can they describe a problem to their doctor? Are you comfortable using the medical names or do you avoid using them? Let's talk about this!
Monday 1st June - in this week's lesson we talked about gentrification. Here is an article about the topic that we will discuss next week. The vocabulary is challenging so don't worry if you don't understand all of it.
Monday 17th May - You can choose a topic from one of the other classes. Click here or here to find some different topics to talk about. Cool! You've chosen the article about the 3D house. Looking forward to talking about this.
To check what we read last semester, click here.
The conversation classes can be joined at any time. If you would like to try one of the classes fill in the contact form or send an email to