Inspired by one of my fellow freelance English teachers I've started keeping track of my wins on a weekly basis, recording them so that I can remember all the positive things I have achieved in my teaching business, Kreis 6 English.
Wins can include new customers starting, students passing exams, a lesson going particularly well, starting a newsletter or anything else that I regard as a success.
I've actually taken things a step further and have created an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of wins, losses and favourite nights out. If I didn’t have this, there is a risk that I would forget something important.
Memory is a funny thing. It's not enough to experience something in order to remember it. Even great nights out can quickly be forgotten. To remember things, we have to convince our brains that the memories are worth saving. One great way of doing this is to write about the event in a diary or, if you’re pushed for time, record it briefly in a document of your choice. Memories can also be stored by talking or thinking about them. In addition, pictures or photographs can be a big help.
When it comes to learning vocabulary, the same tips apply. If you want to learn a word, you have to persuade your brain that it's a good idea to remember it. So next time you come across a new word, record where you came across it, write down the meaning, discuss it with your teacher, find other examples in Skell and draw a picture of it. Most importantly, start using it.
After all, the more ways you play with a word the more likely it is you'll remember it.
What about you? Do you keep track of the good things in life?
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Remember, just reading English for ten minutes a day can make a big difference.